Dairy Queen

Dairy Queen

Friday, February 1, 2008

Why Do We read Forwarded E-mail

As if it is gospel truth? I must admit the jokes are cute sometimes, but for goodnes sake.

I have been in conversations with two people in my office this week who have mentioned America electing its first Muslim president... is Cat Stevens, I mean Yusuf Islam running?

Barack Obama is not a Muslim..

Islam 08...Morning Has Broken Indeed


blue hat said...

"is Cat Stevens, I mean Yusuf Islam running?"

Because the problem with this would be...?

Aerten said...

I wish I could answer the question of why people forward email. I've been trying for years to get my friends to stop sending me all that, um, crap.

No, seriously. Microsoft and AOL WILL send you a dollar for every email you forward.

Banging my head on the desk helps me forget their stupidity for a few minutes. :) And it's refreshing when I stop.

blue hat said...

We read forwarded e-mail because there is a some hope somewhere down deep that maybe this time, this one, will serve a helpful purpose. And as long as they're not harmful, I let people forward them.

This Barak crap that gets forwarded around actually affects people. I thought I could just shrug my shoulders and it would go away. But I know of at least three people who believe Barak is a controversial Muslim leader that would take over the U.S. for some crazy brand of Islamo Fascism (my grandfather being one). And I could not believe it when the words came out of his mouth!